Social Chaos
Social Chaos arised in the end 2001, composed by members who used to play in old bands from ABC region of Sao Paulo and musically is inspired by most of the 80's bands such as Anti Cimex, Heresy, Rattus, Concrete Sox etc...playing in the most raw, agressive and straight way of music. In our lyrics we express our angry and hate with all the things that oppress us, just like all that is provoked by human race (extinction of natural sources, slaghter of animals and all mankind itself). The band is former by Borella ex Fds (bass and vocals), Pudol ex Rot (guitar ), Presépio diego (guitar) and Caue (drums).
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Social Chaos
Social Chaos surgiu no final de 2001, por integrantes de antigas bandas da região do ABC (SP), levando a musicalidade à sua forma mais crua e agressiva. Nas letras expressam sentimentos cotidianos vividos por uma espécie em total declínio, diretamente falando todos os malefícios que a raça humana pode causar à si propria. A banda é formada por Borella ex F.d.s (baixo e vocal), Pudol ex Rot (guitarra),Presépio diego(guitarra) e Caue (bateria).
clique aqui para ver fotos do Social Chaos.