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Thrashing Rage!!! (July.8.2007)

こないだ出たDESTRUCTION'S ENDとのSplit聴いてビックリした人も多いであろう、大注目ブラジリアン・クロスオーバー・スラッシャーの待望の1stアルバム!!! 何を隠そう、これまで全くノーチェックだった私達自身が前作Splitを聴いて一番ビックリしてしまいました。ノスタルジアと言われようが、今最も80'sクロスオーバーを見事に再現してるグレート・バンドの1つと断言しても異論はないでしょう。と言うか完全に全盛期ACCUSEDの再来で最高すぎる!!! ちょうどMassacre Divine発表時に出現してきたDISASTERが「DISCHARGEよりDISCHARGEしてるバンドがいるぞ!!」と話題になったのなら、分裂状態の本家ACCUSEDより断然ACCUSEDらしさを放って輝いているのがこのBANDANOS!! その要因はなんと言ってもブレイニーに良く似たVo.の声によるところなのですが、曲はファニーな要素の無いACCUSEDが一直線に疾走スラッシュしたような感じ。クロスオーバー・ファンのみならず、VIOLATORやETERNAL DEVASTATION等の最近のイキのいい若手ブラジル・スラッシュメタル・ファンにもオススメする痛快スラッシュっぷりです。MUNICIPAL WASTEもウカウカしてられません。全クロスオーバー・スラッシャー絶対必聴!!!!! Record Boy (http://www.record-boy.com/)  

click here to see pictures of Bandanos.



Crossover is back for the delight of all thrashers, fans of the style. Sounding like classic eighties crossover bands, Bandanos (scene veterans, having been in bands like: Rot, Point Of No Return, No Violence, Warhate, Questions…) is a perfect fusion between Suicidal Tendencies, D.R.I and The Accused, making an extreme quality sound, proving to be the main exponent of the style in Brazil.


2002 - The band started like a side project of some veterans of Sao Paulo hardcore scene, that wanted to bring the roots of the thrash/crossover bands like Accused, Excel, Suicidal Tendencies, No Mercy, DRI, back to the punk/hardcore and metal scenes. After some rehearsals, the line-up was Ruy Fernando (NO VIOLENCE) vocal, Marcelo Papa (QUESTIONS, L'ENFER) guitar, Alessandro (INTIFADA) guitar, Cristiano (STAND OF LIVING, PARENTAL ADVISORY) bass and Luciano (POINT OF NO RETURN, GOOD INTENTIONS, INSPIRE) drums, the first songs are composed.

2003 - Alessandro leaves the band, giving place to Junior (WAR INSIDE, INFAMOUS GLORY) and start to play in several places mainly on suburbs and coutryside. Also in 2003, the Bandanos records its first demo, with 4 songs.

2004 - Plays a great concert at the already traditional "Sao Paulo Hardcore Festival" and start to travel to other states. In the end of this year, the vocalist Ruy Fernando decides to leave the band to dedicate himself to other activities. Junior also decides to dedicate only to the Infamous Glory and the band give a break.

2005 - Cristiano assumes the vocal, and Alexandre (ROT, CRUEL FACE, WARHATE) is called to the bass. With this new line-up the band recorded the second demo Justica das Ruas (Street Justice) by Ciero (KRISIUN, SUBTERA, CLAUSTROFOBIA) at Datribo studios and get back to play a lot. This demo gave a great feedback to the band with good reviews and become the band more knowing. Supports the german band IDIOT SAVANT in their brazilian tour and also plays a great gig with finnish thashcore legends FORCA MACABRA among other concerts.

2006 - A demography K7 was released in U$A on Delinquent Recs. Many concerts until may. In june, the band started to record again at Datribo studios, the full lenght album that will be out on PECULIO DISCOS and COSPE FOGO in Brazil and a split CD with american thashers DESTRUCTIONS END and will be out on 625 THRASHCORE, DELINQUENT RECS, NO CLASS RECS. E POSITIVE DAMAGE.

2007 - "Thrash from the Dead" split CD with California thrashers Destruction's End is released in may. In June our full leght CD "We Crush your Mind with the Thrash Inside" was releasead. "Thrash from the Dead" vinyl version out in november in Brazil.

2008 - "We Crush your Mind..." CD got a second press. Appears on "Thrash Attack do Brazil" 7" Compilation by french label Offside Records, also a split CD with Bitting Socks was released in Mexico by Thrash Lifestyle Records. In august first international tour with four dates in Chile.In december supported THE HAUNTED during their only show in Brazil.

2009 - Play with legendary punk band CIRCLE JERKS in São Paulo. In may went to studio again to record songs for splits with brazilian thrashers VIOLATOR and TOE TAG from USA. Both records will be available in Europe, Brazil and Japan.


Bandanos - "We crush your mind with the thrash inside" CD
O Crossover está de volta para o deleite de todos os thrashers fãs do estilo. Com sonoridade clássica “oitentista” o Bandanos (veteranos na cena que já passaram por bandas como: Rot, Point of no return, No Violence, Warhate, Questions...) é uma fusão perfeita de Suicidal Tendencies, D.R.I. e The Accused, fazendo um som de extrema qualidade, reafirmando ser o principal expoente do estilo no Brasil.

clique aqui para ver fotos do Bandanos.